Updated 11/9/2021: We have to keep it SAFE FOR WORK on there because obviously Instagram doesn’t allow adult content. Yet somehow, people are finding ways to post half naked content.

Not to go off on a tangent here (I lied, I’m about to) but I dream of an alternate universe, a universe that accomodates porn, porn stars, sex workers, sex educators and basically anyone who is involved – businesses and consumers alike. We would have adult versions of everything – from Facebook, to Twitter, to Instagram; even all the channels on TV would be just adult entertainment and a sex ed channel of course. Our malls and restaurants would have funny ‘porn-y’ names. Imagine that. The mainstream entertainment people can have their universe back.

But if it DID actually happen, please believe that A LOT of people would be jumping on board this alternate adult universe.

Because sex sells & everyone loves porn.

Like what you see? Then you know the drill:

Call 1-800-PHONE-SEX

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