Is it still okay to say the word ‘fat’? Or should I say ‘thick and curvy’ or ‘bbw’ instead? I don’t know. Why do we have to be so damn PC if everyone is thinking it?? Whatever.

I’m constantly amazed by how much internet porn has grown to the point where there’s something for everyone – including those who love big women!

Enjoy this sexy GIF I stumbled upon today and yes…we do have sexy, BIG women at 1-800PHONESEX!

Call now if you’re a chubby chaser! ;)

Call 1-800-PHONESEX

This is us at work, lol. Except we don’t have live entertainment, we have this thing called the internet and it’s literally FILLED with porn.

We hope you’re having a sex-filled 2016 so far, but if not then you already know what to do! So don’t be embarrassed if you aren’t getting any, that’s what we’re here for! ;)

Call 1-800-PHONESEX